write for the site in February!

So obviously feministhookup.com will post your stuff after February. Feministhookup.com has always been willing to post your stuff.

However, given the number of people who have expressed the intention to write stuff for the site but have been lollygagging about it, I decided to hustle a little and turn it into a thing with a deadline and everything:

Submissions will be accepted on a rolling basis throughout February (and after, but let’s not think about that right now).

Send pieces of work to shyconoclast@feministhookup.com

Feminist Hookup’s standards (unlike it’s feminism) is very liberal, but here are some guidelines:

-First, take a minute to look around the site, especially the resources page.

-I avoid graphic sexual stuff.  If including that is important to your work, I will ask you to add a trigger warning.

-Please try to write in a way that is broadly accessible and not overly academic.  Any specialized vocabulary can be added to the glossary.

-There is no minimum length.  1000-1400 words is a good standard.  If your piece is much longer than 2000 words, you might want to consider breaking it up into smaller pieces.

-With the recognition that exclaiming, articulating, or mourning the state of things is valuable in itself, I personally try to make the posts on this site instructive–oriented toward overcoming a particular problem, with some kind of explicit takeaway for the reader.

can’t wait to read it!

